Hormone replacement therapy Laveen, AZ - Balance Hormone Clinic

Introduction to Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) involves using medications to supplement hormones when your body is not making enough on its own. As we age or due to medical conditions, our hormone levels can become imbalanced, leading to unpleasant symptoms. HRT can help restore optimal hormone levels to help you feel healthy and energetic again.

The goal of HRT is to:

HRT is available in various forms like pills, patches, gels, injections, pellets, and vaginal preparations. The route of administration depends on your symptoms, hormone type, preference, and convenience.

At Balance Hormone Clinic in Laveen, our physicians specialize in advanced bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). Bioidentical hormones have the same molecular structure as the hormones made by your own body. We customize treatment plans with natural, plant-based hormones tailored to your individual hormonal needs and metabolism.

Who Can Benefit From HRT?

HRT can benefit both men and women experiencing signs and symptoms related to hormone imbalance, such as:



Timely assessment and individualized treatment can help patients find relief from disruptive hormone-related symptoms.

Our services

Hormone Imbalance Signs and Health Risks

Our bodies produce many different hormones that work together to maintain function and optimal health. Some of the major hormones include:


Estrogen levels normally decline around perimenopause and menopause in women. Low estrogen can lead to:


Progesterone helps balance and offset estrogen. Declining levels may result in:


Testosterone levels fall in both women and men as they age. Low testosterone may lead to:


An underactive thyroid gland does not make enough thyroid hormone. Symptoms may include:

Swings in hormone levels and related symptoms can develop gradually. Many people dismiss subtle changes as normal effects of aging. However, hormone imbalances should be properly assessed.

Left untreated, hormone deficiencies can negatively impact your health, emotions and quality of life. Hormone replacement therapy can help restore balance.

Take control of your health with HRT!

Balance Hormone Clinic

At Balance Hormone Clinic in Laveen, Arizona, we specialize exclusively in advanced hormone replacement therapy. Our goal is to help patients regain health, energy and quality of life.

Why Choose Balance Hormone Clinic?

We take time to listen to your unique symptoms and health goals. After a comprehensive initial evaluation, we develop customized regimens using bioidentical hormones to restore balance. Follow-up visits allow us to monitor progress and adjust dosages accordingly.

At Balance Hormone Clinic, your satisfaction is our top priority. We work closely with you to help you look and feel your absolute best!

Protocols for Initiating HRT

The process for starting hormone replacement therapy typically begins with an initial consultation and evaluation. Blood and/or saliva samples may be collected to evaluate baseline hormone levels. Your clinician will also review health history, diet, lifestyle and symptoms.

After testing, your treatment plan will be developed and implemented. The standard process includes:

Initial blood testing: Assesses baseline hormone levels

Follow-up consultation: Review of test results and development of customized treatment plan

Hormone replacement initiated: We begin by prescribing bioidentical hormones based on your individual needs, goals and follow-up schedule

Monitoring and modifications: Follow-up testing determines treatment effectiveness and guides dosage adjustments accordingly

Close provider-patient communication ensures optimal outcomes over time. We modify regimens based on patient experiences to maximize benefits of therapy.

At Balance Hormone Clinic, we utilize cutting edge testing and only high quality preparations. Follow-up consultations usually occur within 4-6 weeks after initiating new regimens to evaluate progress. Patients then return every 4-12 months for fine tuning.

Interesting fact

While often used to relieve menopausal symptoms in older women, hormone therapy is increasingly being used to help transgender patients align secondary sex characteristics with their gender identity. When administered appropriately by a compassionate medical provider, hormone therapy can significantly improve mental health and quality of life for transgender individuals.

Estrogen Replacement Therapy

For women no longer producing adequate estrogen, we offer bioidentical estrogen replacement. Treatment choices are based on symptoms, risks and patient preferences. Options include:

Estrogens are commonly balanced with micronized progesterone to offset risks. Custom combinations and doses deliver optimal relief. We work together to determine the best preparations for your needs.

Maintaining safety

Balance Hormone Clinic clincians stay current on all latest medical guidelines and evidence regarding HRT. We discuss risks as well as benefits with patients to make fully informed choices.

For some women, adding progestogen to estrogen therapy helps minimize risks. Those with a uterus require progestogen to protect tissue. Close monitoring aims to identify any issues early. Meticulous fine-tuning helps patients realize advantages while staying safe.

We recommend patients visit us at least annually for follow-up. This allows adjusting as needed for maximum safety and symptom relief over the long run.

Take control of your health with HRT!

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Balance Hormone Clinic also specializes in testosterone replacement for men and women suffering from clinically low levels. We utilize only high quality bioidentical testosterone tailored to meet individual metabolic needs.

Benefits of testosterone therapy may include:

Like all hormone therapy, treatment is carefully monitored to maintain optimal balance. Follow-up testing determines proper adjustments to maximize benefits over time.

Finding the right testosterone protocol can greatly enhance wellness and vitality. Our expertise in advanced hormone therapy delivers safe, effective revitalizing treatment for low testosterone.

Thyroid Hormone Replacement

An underactive thyroid does not produce enough thyroid hormone to keep metabolism running efficiently. Since thyroid hormone affects every system, imbalances can profoundly disrupt health.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism may include:

Hypothyroidism often develops gradually, with subtle symptoms dismissed as normal aging. However, hormone decline negatively impacts health over time.

The good news is thyroid hormone replacement can effectively resolve most symptoms. Medications boost low levels to restore energy, metabolism and vitality.

At Balance Hormone Clinic, we test thyroid function and facilitate expert treatment for those requiring thyroid support. Proper hormone balance minimizes discomforts while supporting better rest, weight management and overall wellness.

Lifestyle Recommendations for Best HRT Results

The benefits of hormone replacement therapy maximize when combined with an overall healthy lifestyle. We offer all Laveen patients comprehensive support regarding:

Nutrition: A balanced whole food diet provides proper nutrients while minimizing risks. We provide customized guidance to match bioindividual needs.

Exercise: Regular activity sustains fitness, mood and metabolism. We suggest optimal regimens complementing hormone therapy.

Stress management: Controlling stress promotes emotional balance crucial for wellbeing. Healthy outlets like mediation, yoga and nature walks refresh mind and body.

Preventive care: Routine health maintenance allows early intervention for age-related issues. We coordinate specialty referrals to ensure needs are met.

Community connections: Supportive relationships with friends and family nurture the spirit. We help patients identify rewarding groups and activities.

Integrating positive lifestyle factors amplifies the revitalizing effects of HRT. Our goal is to help patients thrive, not just survive!

Helpful Laveen Area Resources

The greater Laveen area offers a variety of helpful resources to support health, hormone balance and an active lifestyle. During hormone replacement therapy, patients may benefit from:

Baseline lab testing

Sonora Quest Laboratories 7171 W Thomas Rd Suite 108, Phoenix

Nature walks

South Mountain Trails 10919 Central Ave, Phoenix

Fitness centers

EoS Fitness Laveen 8776 W McDowell Road B111

LA Fitness Phoenix 5115 W Baseline Rd

Healthy dining

Pita Jungle 4647 E Cactus Rd 430

Zesty Zzeeks Pizza & Wings 8880 W Elliot Rd Suite 1

We suggest trying yoga, massage, acupuncture, therapy and other wellness modalities during treatment. Nutrient rich clean eating supports balanced hormones and energy. Connecting with nature also promotes relaxation. Our caring staff helps optimize the HRT experience.

The Best Time for HRT In Laveen

Laveen features over 300 days of sunshine with dry arid heat ideal for an active lifestyle year-round. The area climate complements hormone replacement nicely.

Spring (March-May) Brings moderate temperatures perfect for initiating treatment since hormone changes impact heat/cold sensitivity. Mild weather accommodates increased exercise which supports HRT.

Summer (June-August ) Warm months let patients realize benefits like renewed energy and vitality. Taking advantage of long daylight hours by being active outdoors enhances mood.

Fall (September-November) Cooler autumn climate feels revitalizing. Patients feel motivated to follow diet, fitness and wellness regimens supporting therapy.

Winter (December-February) A generally sunny mild winter continues progress made in HRT with few weather limitations. With the holidays come more social engagements where patients enjoy better quality of life.

While Laveen has comfortable weather all year for treatment, patient symptoms and preferences guide exact timing. We tailor therapy start dates and modifications to individual needs. Laveen's friendly community also provides positive lifestyle support.

Why Balance Hormone Clinic?

Choosing expert care is key for successful hormone replacement therapy. At Balance Hormone Clinic, patients benefit from:

We also coordinate care with other specialists like nutritionists, therapists and wellness providers to support your best health during treatment.

Our goal is to help you LOOK good, FEEL good and ENJOY your best life! Contact us today to learn more about HRT or schedule a consultation.

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